Active Physical Therapy Solutions is conveniently located at 91 Columbus Street in Auburn, New York. Free, off-street parking is available.
Use the map or the written directions below to find us from your location.
From West:
- Head East on Route 5 and 20.
- Pass the Fingerlakes Mall on the Left and continue for ~1 mile.
- Make a Right on Columbus Street.
- Continue Straight on Columbus Street for .5 miles.
- Take first right after passing Jacobs Press.
- Active Physical Therapy Solutions is on the right.
From East:
- Head West on Route 20 into Auburn.
- Pass Hoopes Park on the left and continue on Genesee Street for ~2.3 miles.
- Turn Right onto Columbus Street
- Take first left.
- Active Physical Therapy is behind Jacobs Press on the right.
From South:
- Head North on Route 34/South Street toward Auburn.
- Turn left at the intersection where South Street meets Clymer Street.
- Take Clymer Street to the end.
- Make a right onto Dunning Ave.
- Continue straight through the intersection at Genesee Street. Dunning Ave will turn into Columbus Street.
- Make first left after the Genesee St. intersection.
- Active Physical Therapy is behind Jacobs Press on the right.
From North:
- Head South on Route 34/North Street toward Auburn.
- Pass Auburn Memorial Hospital on the left and continue straight for ~.5 mile.
- Turn right onto Arterial West.
- Travel ~1 mile.
- Make left onto Columbus Street.
- Continue Straight on Columbus Street for .5 miles.
- Take first right after passing Jacobs Press.
- Active Physical Therapy Solutions is on the right.